Wednesday, April 11, 2012

new age, new stuff

So I turned 20 yesterday, so I decided to start new, and only leave those things that are truly mine. Thus why I deleted all my posts and to begin again. I have a new Life Blog which I will probably update more than this one but if anything interesting comes up I will put it here too. 

So what is up? 
well not much. I am now unemployed and studying full time. I have a TON of school work and most of it is boring or frustrating. I got another B on my organic chemistry test, so that sucks as well.

As fro me, well, no more make up and preppy stuff because that really is just not me, and well I will blog because I want to and about what I really like. For those who like it, awesome, if you don't well unfollow me without a doubt! 

thanks for reading!